Who Wants Donald Trump Dead? (1)

So, who wants Mr. Donald Trump, the former US president and front-runner for the November 5, 2024, presidential election, dead?

There are four possible suspects.

The first is Iran, which recently declared it would exact revenge for the US-inflicted mur­der of its senior military commander in Iraq, Hassan Soleimani. Iran, which was sanctioned by the United States and Western European countries for her alleged support of terror­ist organizations, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Palestine, is highly motivated to stop former President Trump from returning to of­fice as president in 2025.

During Trump’s administration, billions of Iranian dollars were frozen in addition to other sanctions imposed on her for allegedly partici­pating in covert activities aimed at developing and obtaining nuclear weapons.

However, under President Biden, the funds that were seized were released subject to Iran ceasing to build nuclear weapons and ceasing to finance terrorist groups globally, especially in the Middle East.

Iranians may be worried that their tortur­er-in-chief is on course to retake the White House and carry on punishing them from where he left off in 2020, given the increasing likelihood that former President Trump will return to office in January 2025.

Experience has shown that Iran can be te­nacious in its pursuit, so this is not an extreme supposition.

However, that nation has refuted any role in the Trump assassination attempt.

The second is Russia, which has been the US’ fiercest adversary since the days of the Cold War till date. That nation could be held account­able for the ongoing conflict it is having with Ukraine, a former USSR territory that the US is leading NATO, the North American Treaty Organisation, to arm and finance to fight on Ukraine’s behalf, a war that has claimed thou­sands of Russian lives. In the scenario outlined above, every prominent US citizen or official becomes a potential target for murder.

China ranks third on the suspect list with the second-biggest economy in the world, af­ter the United States, which holds the top spot. China is the closest competitor to the United States and is projected to surpass it econom­ically in 2050.

The fact that China is waging an unofficial war against Taiwan, a territory it claims to be Chinese but which the Taiwanese reject only serves to heighten mistrust of the country.

In the manner that tension hostilities be­tween Russia and Ukraine, a former USSR republic, escalated into a full-scale war, if the tension between China and Taiwan, an ally of the US, were to escalate into a war, Taiwan would be relying on the US to provide her with protection.

So, targeting the likely next president of the US for assassination is not implausible.

The Democratic National Convention (DNC), the political party of President Joe Biden (who is Trump’s primary opponent in the presidential contest), is the fourth sus­pect. Interestingly, this is the second time that Biden and Trump will face-off in a presiden­tial contest in the last decade. The first was in 2019/2020, and the second will be in November 2024 (if Biden does not step down) when the winner will be elected to the White House.

When former President Trump’s supporters rejected President Biden as the presidential contest winner in 2020, they stormed the Capi­tol on January 6, 2020, setting off a disastrous chain of unpalatable and unsavory events.

As a result, former President Trump’s al­lies and advisers, including his then strategist Mr. Steve Bannon and White House counsel Mr. Peter Navaro, have been imprisoned, and the Democratic-controlled Congress has im­peached Mr. Trump. He was only spared from being fully impeached by the Republican-con­trolled Senate at that time.

The former president was also hit with an extraordinary number of criminal and civil court lawsuits, some of which have been reject­ed or are pending decision. He has been found guilty of one of the charges and is currently awaiting sentencing.

It seems more like a supernatural inter­vention than human ability and aptitude that President Trump has overcome all the legal and political roadblocks erected in his route to the White House—what he has rightly la­beled a witch-hunt of the hue associated with third-world countries where the practice of democracy is yet to attain maturity. The fact that Mr. Trump not only survived a COVID-19 infection in 2020 but also narrowly avoided an assassin’s bullet on July 13 suggests that he has twice cheated death.

As a result of his dexterous navigation of the political path to the White House strewn with roadblocks that were intended to hurt his brand rather than help him, Mr. Trump’s popularity has exploded, as shown by the most recent surveys showing him well ahead of his primary rival, and DNC in all the battleground states.

It is understandable why supporters of the man who appears to be unstoppable—Donald Trump—have come to the conclusion that his political opponents in the Democratic Party have become so desperate that they felt com­pelled to attempt his assassination. That is even though the man who attempted to assassinate him -Mathew Crooks is a registered Republi­can.

How amazing that after all their attempts to stop him from employing both legal and clan­destine strategies/tactics as road block, Mr. Trump has remained the front-runner in the race to become president on January 20, 2025.

Indeed, presidential assassinations in the United States date back to 1865. In fact, it was especially popular in the 1960s. President John F. Kennedy was slain in November of 1963, to be exact. On March 30, 1981, there was also an attempt on President Ronald Reagan’s life. Presidents Abraham Lincoln in 1865, James A. Garfield in July 1881, and William McKinley in September 1901 were assassinated before the attempt on Ronald Reagan’s life in 1981.

So, Donald Trump the 45th president, and Ronald Reagan 40th president share a common destiny of escaping assassin’s bullets.

It was not surprising that the first person to accuse the Democratic National Committee (DNC) of being behind the July 13 assassina­tion attempt on Republican presidential candi­date Donald J. Trump was Senator J.D. Vance, just moments after the attempt and before he was selected as the vice presidential candidate and running mate of the GOP presidential can­didate.

Without equivocation or mincing words, Senator J.D Vance wrote on X formerly known as Twitter:

“The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authori­tarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs,”

And made the following conclusion: “That rhetoric led directly to President Trump’s at­tempted assassination.”

Several other Republicans have echoed sim­ilar comments in public, notwithstanding the victim of the shooting. Mr. Trump has been gracious in preaching togetherness and reject­ing violence, just as his opponent, President Biden, has strongly opposed political violence while conceding that his bulls-eye statement about Trump was an exaggerated phrase that he should not have made.

The discussion of whether 81-year-old Pres­ident Joe Biden had the capacity for a second term took on a life of its own following the scathing debate on June 27 between the 45th President of the United States of America, USA, Mr. Donald Trump, who President Biden succeeded in 2020 and is determined to reclaim the mandate that he lost to the incumbent about three and a half years ago. This is because the outgoing president was always correcting him­self when he lost his line of thought during the debate.

But, unlike the 45th President of the United States, Mr. Trump, who is set to return to the White House as the 47th President in January, he is not bragging about his landslide victory over the 46th and incumbent President, Mr. Biden, in the first of their scheduled series of debates (another one is scheduled for Sep­tember) before the November 5 presidential election. Instead, the typically no-holds-bared former President Trump let it blossom and become a hot-button issue about President Biden’s flaws, particularly his age-related is­sues.

There is a consensus of opinion among the Democrats, Republicans, and indeed all Amer­icans as well as television viewers around the world, that the 46th US president, Joe Biden, gave a dismal performance in the debate. As he struggled to put his thoughts together, some critics claimed he unintentionally revealed to the audience that aging has taken a toll on him. This was so obvious as he was muttering gibberish to the dismay, indignation, and dis­comfort of both his fellow Democrats and his opponents in the Republican Party, as well as politically neutral Americans.

It is no surprise that about 30 congressmen/ women called for his stepping aside from the contest.

Somehow, it is reminiscent of the Watergate scandal-a cover up of a crime of burglary in the DNC headquarters by the presidency that resulted in the resignation of Richard Nixon as president of the US on August 8, 1974.

His resignation followed pressure from his fellow party members and a threat of impeach­ment after resisting for a long time to resign due to the scandal that refused to go away de­spite concerted efforts to sweep it under the carpet.

Also, President Biden’s awkward memory loss reminds politics watchers of the equally aged and former Senate majority leader (now minority leader), Mitch McConnell, who re­cently lost his train of thought in the middle of a speech, humiliating himself and other pol­iticians when he practically went blank in the course of given a speech. People would proba­bly prefer not to take a chance on witnessing President Biden’s aging health deteriorate to the extent of McDonnell’s.

After the debate, even President Biden’s most ardent supporters began to question his ability to govern the US for an additional four years. As a result, a wave of Americans demanded that President Biden give up on his goal of running for reelection at the age of 81.

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